EP #101: Crypto Philanthropy with Alex Wilson

We have an inherent desire to support those in need.  This hasn’t changed but what has is technology.  It’s advancing at a rapid rate.  The good news is that philanthropy is keeping up.  You can give your cryptocurrency for positive impact!

Alex Wilson is the co-Founder of The Giving Block.  This organization makes Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency fundraising easy for nonprofits - empowering mission-driven organizations, charities, universities, and faith-based organizations of all sizes to leverage crypto technology to achieve their mission.  In this episode, Alex will teach you “how” they do it and more importantly, “why" they do it.

What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • How crypto can catch your attention

  • How crypto can inspire generosity

  • What the Pineapple Fund is

  • How crypto provides freedom

  • Why non-profits should and need to accept crypto donations

  • How the crypto world has generous people

  • The importance of generosity in the crypto space

  • How crypto is complex

  • How the complexity will not stop generosity

  • How generosity is prominent

  • That the crypto world has plenty of job openings

  • How to get into the crypto world as a profession

  • Where to learn the basics of crypto

  • How software is improving and making better user experiences

  • How stable coins are being given more now

  • How blockchain transaction are easier for some people

  • How 83% of millenial millionaires own cryptocurrency

  • The vision of The Giving Block moving forward

Ideas Worth Sharing:

“It was quite the uphill battle…convincing non-profits crypto is real thing…and they should be accepting donations.” - Alex Wilson

“People are looking for an alternative.” - Alex Wilson

“They can just shutdown your bank account.  With crypto, you can’t do that.” - Alex Wilson

“I had no clue how non-profits operated.” - Alex Wilson

“Non-profits shouldn’t ned to be experts in crypto.” - Alex Wilson

“It’s incredibly expensive and complicated.” - Alex Wilson

“Will get them up and running in only about a week.” - Alex Wilson

“Crypto is always changing - 24/7.” - Alex Wilson

“If you do want to work in crypto, you don’t necessarily need any experience.” - Alex Wilson

“There’s so much demand and not enough people to fill the roles.” - Alex Wilson

“Crytpo certainly as a reputation for horrible front ends.” - Alex Wilson

“Last year was the first time that more Ethereum was given than Bitcoin.” - Alex Wilson

“As stable coins continue to grow…that’s going to start becoming a more and more normal way for transaction. ” - Alex Wilson

“We hope most non-profits are accepting cryptocurrency in the next 3-5 years.” - Alex Wilson

“We think it will be almost unusual if you’re not accepting crypto at that point.” - Alex Wilson

“Most people are not looking for that…they’re looking for the impact.” - Bob DePasquale

“They gotta figure it out now.” - Bob DePasquale

“There are a lot of generous people.” - Bob DePasquale

Resources In Today's Episode:

Robert DePasquale

Lover of Stewardship


EP #102: Digital Transformation with Raj Sundarason


EP #100: Why You Can’t Be Self Made with Jason Peterson