EP #239: 11 Ways to Make Work More Enjoyable

Work isn’t always enjoyable but it can be better.

I know a lot of workplaces can be a drag. You dread Monday morning and look forward to Friday afternoon like nothing else. It’s not healthy.

Work can and should enjoyable overall. I don’t mean every moment but it has to be a net positive or else it will never last. Productivity will wane and fulfillment will never come.

The best organizations make work enjoyable and fulfilling. People do more than stick around - they stay with intention and attract other people. This is the environment you want.

I have 11 things for you to help make your workplace more enjoyable for all.

Have an enjoyable rest of your week. 😉

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What You'll Learn in Today's Episode:

  • How work isn’t always enjoyable

  • Why relief from work is bad

  • How to recognize people

  • The importance of empathy

  • The importance of giving people agency over their work

  • How grace is critical

  • Why an employee manual ain’t that helpful

  • How modeling behavior is key

  • How it can’t all be about productivity

  • How service for a 3rd party is so powerful

  • Why you have to be in close proximity with people

  • How to use a calendar to help your relationships

  • How listening intently will help you have a more enjoyable experience

  • How to celebrate effort and not results

  • The 2 reasons why honesty is important

  • How living culture is critical

Quotes Worth Sharing:

  • “You should just quit and move on.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Work isn’t always enjoyable.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Give them agency.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Most people in the world want to be good people.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “You want them to continue to innovate without fearing failure.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “I needed someone to model it for me.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “There’s nothing more powerful than supporting other causes together.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Make sure you’re coming alongside people.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “You must listen intently.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “I’m not big on sales contests.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Celebrate the effort.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Be honest.” - Bob DePasquale joking about listening to the pod

  • “Don’t expect things to go right all the time.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Live your culture.” - Bob DePasquale

Resources From Today's Episode:

Related Episodes:

Robert DePasquale

Lover of Stewardship


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