EP #220: 5 Good Things that are NOT Generosity

You can’t fake it ‘til you make it.

Generosity, by definition, requires sincerity.

In some ways, this makes it easy to recognize generosity (at least internally). You know when you’re “in it”.

There are some terms that are popular out there that while they can be great things, they can also be not so great if done for the wrong reasons.

I’m covering 5 “imposters” of generosity in this episode. You might first think I’m crazy when you see how positive they can be. But that’s the thing. A lot of people don’t do these with truly selfless intentions.

Generosity is different. It requires selflessness.

You’ll want to build your workplace culture with the right intentions in mind; for effectiveness and also as a great example for your people.

Have a truly generous day. 😜

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What You'll Learn in Today's Episode:

  • About what generosity means to me

  • The basic thing you need to consider

  • How kindness can be mis intentioned

  • What random acts of kindness mean to me

  • How we give for the wrong reasons

  • How to give for the right reasons

  • Why people are “philanthopists”

  • How to celebrate “stuff”

  • What I think about donating

  • The worst case scenario in donating

  • How we are encouraged to think about ourselves too much

  • The confusion of sacrifice

  • How we can sacrifice reluctantly

  • The not so obvious things that come from doing nice stuff without the desire

  • How the things from the list are actually harder than generosity itself

  • How to teach your team to do the right things for the right reasons

Quotes Worth Sharing:

  • “I love talking about generosity. It’s my favorite thing in the world” - Bob DePasquale

  • “There’s nothing more fulfilling than accomplishing something you’ve taken on on your own volition..” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Generosity is not actually generosity if it’s not believed.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Generosity is a mindset and not an event.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Do you think that generosity is something you can do for the wrong reasons?’” - Bob DePasquale

  • “You can be friendly to someone even if you don’t want to.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “We don’t live in a very kind world.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “How do we figure out what the purpose is behind philanthropy?” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Today what you believe is often what you display on the internet.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Everyone can be a philanthropist.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “I would actually advise you to not give if you don’t really want to.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “I encourage people to think about the plight of others.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Maybe there’s a challenge from not having something that I can grow through now” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Sacrificing things of your own for the gain of others can be an extremely powerful thing.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “I’m not a big fan of guilt.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “It’s not effective when you do things for the wrong reasons.” - Bob DePasquale

Resources From Today's Episode:

Related Episodes:

Robert DePasquale

Lover of Stewardship


EP #221: 3 Questions For a Generous Workplace Culture


EP #219: 4 Hormones the Generous Leader Should Know About