EP #210: Identifying Negative Pressure

What do you know about pressure?

There are a lot of sources that will tell you to avoid pressure these days. Seek comfort.

It’s a terrible idea.

You have to seek pressure - but the right type of pressure. And in order to know the right kind you have to identify the wrong kind.

This Part I of a two part series (perhaps longer) that I’m doing on pressure. It’s such a critical part of life and business and I believe that hose who master the art are those that will rise above.

A generous workplace culture is full of pressure. Don’t get it twisted. As the leader, you’ll need to identify the negative types and remove them from your organization.

Have a positively generous day.

What You'll Learn in Today's Episode:

  • How today’s world tells us pressure is bad

  • Why comfort is not always good

  • The difference between good and bad pressure

  • How the negative is most recognizable

  • How the amount of pressure is more important than any given item

  • The positive note related to negative pressures

  • How negative pressures push you back - or try to

  • How external forces work against you

  • The questions you should ask yourself

  • How generalities are a problem

  • How wishing is bad

  • What to do with unrealistic wishes

  • The non-obvious reason to avoid danger

Quotes Worth Sharing:

  • “A lot of sources these days will tell you the pressure is bad.’” - Bob DePasquale

  • “You know I believe in work hard, play hard, and rest hard.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “I find the pressure is a volume of things - the amount of things you have going on.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “The key to negative pressure is that it pushes back.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Train that mental muscle to make quick decisions.’” - Bob DePasquale

  • “You’re moving in the right direction but it’s not as easy as it should be.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Is the pressure coming from a goal or something someone else has indicated as important?” - Bob DePasquale

  • “You have to put in the thought energy yourself.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Make sure that outside forces are not pushing against you.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “It’s better for it to be intentional.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “There’s just too many generalities.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “A lot of the content on the Internet has to be general.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “If it’s just wishful, how much experience can you get?” - Bob DePasquale

  • “What are the things are dangerous to your business"?” - Bob DePasauale

  • “Work/life harmony is critical. Work/life balance is impossible.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Generous workplace cultures have very little negative pressure.” - Bob DePasquale

Resources From Today's Episode:

* Subscribe to the Generosity Growth (G2) Newsletter

Related Episodes:

Robert DePasquale

Lover of Stewardship


EP #211: Identifying Positive Pressure


EP #209: There are No Accidents