Bob DePasquale

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You Are Your Ideal Client

Imposter syndrome is dumb.

There’s no one on the planet that isn’t unique and as a result, no one can be replicated. It’s not a syndrome. It’s simply an impossibility.

Save spies and comedians, there is no reason to try to impersonate anyone.

Be yourself - end of the blog.

You didn’t think I’d let you get away that easy, did you? This is going to be an interesting entry for two reasons:

  1. I don’t concentrate on business too much here.

  2. It’s the 156th entry - meaning E-Impact has been around for 3 years.

Congrats to you, impactmaker, for sticking around this long. And if you are new to the game, you are coming in at quite an interesting time. The world in general is changing and the impact world is changing too.

Change is Good - If You Embrace It

Change should be good.

The digital technology of today is providing efficiencies that we have never seen before. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI, not Adjusted Gross Income, something from the financial world I am all too familiar with) are taking over specific tasks and we are working so they’ll do even more.

Ironically and eerily, as I began typing this entry, a prompt came up explaining the beta version of a new AI that is designed to help you write blogs. Note that I have never used anything of the sort to produce E-Impact entries (except the experiment from last week which did not account for any of the editorial content). I can’t say that this will not change in the future - but not today.

I have no intention of scaring you but you’ll need to be aware of the power of these technologies. You must embrace it. There are really smart people giving all their brainpower to advancing these systems.

Admittedly, I am a little scared of computers running the world. I fear that AI could get to a point where it’s too independent. However, I know we’re nowhere near that. My earthly life will be long over before a mainframe takes over the world.

I believe it’s our job to make sure the technology is used for the best possible reasons. We can do amazing things and if humans are developing things, those things can also be amazingly good.

Embrace the new and stay focused on positive impact.

The Way You Do It

It seems the race to be technologically advanced is among countries and companies. In the recent few months, I’ve noticed that some organizations are realizing that they need to learn how to use modern tools just to keep up.

ChatGPT is not the first form of AI to exist but it’s been getting quite a bit of publication (this blog is no different, see E-Impact 155).

*Check out OpenAI’s new iOS ChatGPT app.

Business people, marketers, professionals, and even financial guys like me are turning to this program for help. And the key is how we view the help.

I’m not sure what is worse:

  1. refusing to embrace the technology or

  2. expecting it to do your job for you (or someone else’s)

AI, in its current form, is like an assistant. It is not a person or anything close. It must be prompted, communicated with, checked, and reinforced. It can take over tasks but not jobs.

Be careful what you trust it with. I have heard many people say they are “practicing” with it. It seems funny, but this is a great way to think about it. It has the ability to learn as do you. Practice with it so you can learn how it “thinks” and it can learn how you act.

You can customize your assistant. Each AI system can and should be unique to its user (or maybe master is the right word). In other words, it’s not just you that cannot be replicated.

Make it so you and your AI bot have no imposters.

Applying to Your “Business”

None of your business!

Ever had anyone say this to you? It’s a pretty invasive statement. It’s suggesting that you are seeking private information and usually with malintent.

With the technology explained above and social media, not nearly as many things are private as previously.

So, what specifically does this have to do with customer acquisition and business?

You will attract like-minded people.

Everyone’s unique personal brand will be their point of attraction. It’s no longer knowledge and even skill in many cases. Knowledge is too readily available and even expressed (as a result of AI). No one is impressed, nor should they be, by how much you know. This leaves skill and character.

I can safely assume that if you are reading this blog then you are of reasonable character. This is great news. You have all of what it takes to attract your ideal customer (the lifeblood of your business).

Not So Fast!

Before you close up your computer or mobile device, remember that you have a lot of competition in the attention economy. A high character and an interest in your given field (of impact or business) might be “all you need” to build something. Yet, you’ll be stuck if no one knows you have it.

We’re in a strange modern world where everything moves so fast but it behooves us to slow down. This is true because we are good enough. We have the gifts and skills (and character as mentioned above) to do well. What we need is some awareness.

Who Are You?

Maybe I skipped ahead by declaring you of high character without actually defining your character.

On second thought, I don’t know who you are so I can’t define your character (if you need help, reach out @bdepa and I’d be glad to talk through things).

You have to define your character.

Think about the things that are most important to you. Describe your values. Write or review a mission statement. Find things that make you emotional. Determine where you spend the most time and who you spend it with. Examine your place of living, your wardrobe, and your workspace.

Each of those things plays a part in your story. They are characteristics.


It’s important to understand the above things so you can share them freely. The goal is to make sure people know the unique you - not just the surface you.

The more things that are obvious about you the more unique you are.

Share you - the real you.

I was interacting with a LinkedIn post that mentioned: “People do business with people”. This is a saying going around that indicates the importance of authenticity. It trumps over-produced facades that brands and people put up on social media.

Humans are complex beings and it makes you more authentic when you don’t shy away from all the things that you do. I’m not saying you should attempt to create a “jack of all trades” Instagram profile that has no niche and attempts to appeal to everyone. I’m saying you need to embrace your way of looking at things and your resulting actions.

Life Streaming

I’m not a fan of the “lunch photo” you might find on someone’s social media feed but I do value knowing someone’s interests and habits. There’s a term that social media pros call “life-streaming”. It’s documenting the things in your day by posting them. Instagram “stories” are a great feature for this. It may seem silly, but people do actually appreciate getting to know you as a person (or brand).

The solution to saving the world and positive impact is not IG life-streaming but it’s a great metaphor for what I’m explaining. The things that would be considered life-streaming are the exact things that make you unique. You can’t automate these. You have to actually do them and the good news is you already do - no extra effort needed.

There will be plenty of people not interested in what you do on a daily basis but there will also be enough that do.

Story Selling

Market yourself and your company or organization by being a storyteller - of your story.

Story selling is another popular term in the marketing world. People have always loved stories. They just experience them differently these days.

You have to be able to tell your story in short snippets over time. I love giving a keynote address live to an audience but these types of gatherings are not as popular as they used to be and timeframes are slimming. But, my story hasn’t changed. In fact, it’s only gotten more complex and longer.

No one is short of “content”. There are twenty-four hours in the days that provide stuff to talk/post about. The more life you live the more you have to share. Your long and complex keynote may never get delivered but your short and punchy pieces of an interesting life could be delivered consistently.

And we know that consistency is the key to success. Consistently be you. Stand up for what you believe in. Boldly share your unique characteristics.

The Ideal Client

This is you (to answer my question above). The people you attract with your authentic life streaming (and not just on IG “stories”) have things in common with you.

You know I’m a fan of collaboration so don’t take this as a license to be the savior of any given situation. It’s a license to be you, strengths and weaknesses alike, in order to find people with a similar profile. Then, you work together to accomplish something great.

This is the ultimate guide to community building which consequently, is the ultimate guide to business and impact building in the modern world.

Let AI speed up information transfer and help you handle general tasks. In the meantime, you can slow down, trust your skills, and focus on sharing what makes you (and your brand) unique.

Get out there and find your people!